Monday, December 12, 2011

On a roll this evening

This bottle came highly recommended. and I can see why.
I love stouts and porters this one is very good indeed.

I need to stop drinking so much beer on an evening these blogs could get quite interesting the more I write.

It has a lovely brown head as soon as you pour it out it doesn't last though. You can taste the coffee in there probably from the heavily roasted grains and a hint of chocolate but not much. It has a sweet taste that coats your mouth and the flavor lingers with no unpleasant after taste.

ABV 9%
look: 4.5  Nice and Dark with Brown head.
Aroma: 4 Not too overpowering considering the alcohol content
Taste: 5 Mighty fine
Body: 4.5 Smooth and full

Dave star rating of 4.5


  1. It has a sweat taste? Would you say like armpits with no deodorant?
    If it didn't have the sweat would you have given it 5?

  2. Ahh sweet taste. Great Ninja edit.
