Thursday, December 15, 2011

Angry Angel

 From the Big Boss Brewing company tonight's beer is

Angry Angel Kolsch Style Beer

This German style Ale is cold-fermented and cold-conditioned  if you want to know a bit more about this style of beer there is a good link on wikipedia here Kolsch beer

ABV 4.5%
look: 3.5  Note quite the golden colour I was looking for. It looks a bit dull. Frothy head that lasts abut 10 seconds no lacing and head completely disappears after a short time.
Aroma: 4 Not very hoppy but has a nice sweet fruity aroma, not very citrus but more like apple
Taste: 4 Nice clean crisp taste
Body: 4 Thin and mildly carbonated, dry.

Actually, I have tasted a lot of Kolsch beers and do you know what this is not a bad effort at all. It's one of those refreshing drinks that you need on a warm summers day.

Dave star rating of 4

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