This Brewery is located in North Carolina and specializes in Dark beers
This beer has a nice caramel coloured head but its a little bit "foamy" is the best word I could come up with. It s not a thick dense head like some Stouts. The head lingers all around the glass to the bottom. The beer itself is black in colour and has a strong lingering taste of coffee (with sugar). It goes down very well and is easy to drink.
I had my last drink about 5 minutes ago and i can still taste the coffee with sugar. Very nice after taste.
This beer is called a Milk Stout because it is brewed with Lactose (mostly found in milk) Lactose is not turned in to alcohol by the yeast and so it remains in the beer after fermentation giving it a sweet taste.
Here is a good link of Wikipedia Milk_stout
ABV 5.7%
look: 4.0 Light frothy caramel head Black in colour
Aroma: 4.0 Heavily malted sweetness
Taste: 4.0 Taste the dark roasted malts and sweetness of the Lactose. Lovely Coffee aftertaste that lingers
Body: 4 Quite thin for a stout and mildly carbonated.
Overall this is a really good stout I enjoyed drinking it very much.
Dave rating of 4.0,
This is definitely a love it or hate it beer. Some people are CRAZY about it. DR is known for having one of the best Milk Stouts in the country, but to be honest, Lactose in beer is a turn-off for me and it's just a little odd for my taste. I totally get why people love it, but it ain't for me.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall the lingering sweetness the time I tasted it. I'm going to give it another try.
ReplyDeleteStuart, What I said was a lingering coffee taste (with Sugar) What I meant by that was like a good Italian espresso they always put lots of sugar in it to make it less bitter. So its kind of like that.
ReplyDeleteI see. On another note, I wouldn't be very happy with anyone, never mind an Italian putting sugar in my espresso. The more bitter the better for me.
ReplyDeletecouldn't agree more I like my espresso bitter